Sunday, March 14, 2010

Procrastination, Reprise

Now is a perfect time to reiterate my point which I made earlier about procrastination: DON'T DO IT. It's sad, really. One would think I would learn from previous instances, but nope. It's 9:23 PM on a Sunday, and I'm still finding sources for my English research paper on Catcher. Due tomorrow. You know, I shouldn't even be on here. Oh well. 

I found a new band I like today. They're called Oedipus. I found them on Facebook out of pure boredom. I searched "Oedipus," and they came up first. Their description on their page makes me happy:

"Oedipus seems pre-destined to kill convention and marry progressive heavy rock with an artistic twist that most certainly makes their sound rise high above the dull roar of mainstream modern rock."
Also, their EP Covetous has a great cover which, alone, may prompt me to get it:


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